Creation of the brand: MOVERS by FUE.

Movers is a Fundación Universidad-Empresa initiative that reckons the special attitude of those students who have demonstrate during their internship that have the necessary to move the world.

The recognition: A special training in the best universities of the world.

1. We generated a rational, almost a hymn, directed to a concrete generation.

2. We gave to these nonconformist always on the move young people a name. The MOVERS are the first to move moving the world with them. We worked the belonging feeling through the naming and the meaning.

3. We created a corporate identity that it would work by itself, an identity that will be able to tell what MOVERS is by itself. Through Origami we developed a visual code based in the effort, method and concentration.

4. We created a social strategy to get the action bigger with the goal of serving as an example to these young people who loose their hope.

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We turn an employer branding action into a generational movement, something inspiring for the rest of the people.